Would you like to create a social media website using the TCD theme "ZOOMY"?

We are creating a membership site using the TCD theme "ZOOMY," and we receive many inquiries about adding certain features or customizing the site.

Please be careful as there are companies using this to claim to be specialists in online salons.


There have been several times when people have asked for help because they were just using the service and didn't have any support or didn't know how to use it.
But I can't help you because I don't want to use ZOOMY or Simple Membership.

What can you do with "ZOOMY"?

Members can write blogs
Only members can see the blog
Members can chat with each other

Is this about right?

Wouldn't it be difficult to attract members to your site just because of that?
Can we all get together and write something?
What are the benefits to membership?

Japanese people love WordPress themes, and they seem to have a tendency to insist that themes have to be made in Japan, so TCD themes seem to be extremely popular.

However, please note that

You can only use the features of that theme.
There is little extensibility

That is the point.

If you rely on the theme's functions, you will only be able to use that theme. It cannot be reproduced with other themes. There is no problem if you are willing to commit suicide with that theme and do not change it.

"I want to add a marketplace to the TCD theme ZOOMY"

I don't think it's compatible with WooCommerce so it's probably not possible.

"I want to make it a pay-per-view system."

It may be possible if you could avoid using or switch to ZOOMY functions such as logging in and registering, but it seems difficult.

If you use a TCD theme like this, you should give up on extending or customizing the functionality.

In this respect, "BuddyPress" and "BuddyBoss" have infinite scalability.


Fake SNS
Fake membership site

However, "BuddyPress" and "BuddyBoss" are full-fledged. They are on a different level.


If so

"BuddyPress" and "BuddyBoss" are Alphard or Tesla. (I don't know much about them though)

I won't go into specifics, but it's that different.

Don't rely too much on themes.
Functionality should be left to plugins.

A theme is nothing more than a box, a frame, so to speak.

Japanese people love WordPress themes, and they have a tendency to insist that they must be made in Japan.

Is this due to advertising or something like that?
It seems that Japanese themes are characterized by their excessive focus on blogs and LPs (web flyers),

WooCommerce compatible themes

It is common knowledge overseas that they will respond without you having to say anything.
Since WooCommerce is a payment method, it is almost a given that you should install it.

However, Japanese themes are not supported, or the fact is hidden. Even if you search, no information comes up.

In Japan, it can be said that WooCommerce can be used safely

I feel like that's all there is to it.

Other than that, it's best to think of it as a blog or corporate website. It's probably not possible unless it specifically emphasizes that it's compatible with WooCommerce.

Even if they try to say "web magazine" or "owned media", it's still just a blog (diary). The situation in Japan is that there is a competition for themes there. Most blogs introduce and praise Japanese themes, but the purpose is to earn affiliate rewards.

As a general rule for WordPress users, we do not use "TCD themes".
It is completely for beginners.

Everyone starts out as a beginner and there's nothing bad about that.
If I can create something like a demo site just by buying and setting it up, that's fine.
As long as you have beautiful images, you can create something at demo site level.

It meets those needs perfectly.

There are many cases where the ROOMY is a better choice than the Alphard.


I want to add this function
I want to make the site exactly how I want it

If that is the case, then we don't use TCDs, which cannot do this.

Rather than using ZOOMY for SNS, it would be better to start from a blank slate and use "BuddyPress" or "BuddyBoss".

Even though I am writing this, I have been helped by TCD themes.
I bought a few themes.

It's simply eye-catching, beautiful, and has built-in functionality without relying on plugins.

Your clients will love it (you can trick them into believing it), but this is actually a very easy task.

There was a time when I actively used it for this reason.

However, now I no longer use it because it only creates beautiful, ordinary websites.

If you're looking for something that covers the TCD theme alone, I highly recommend it.
If you're happy with the same functionality as the demo site, I recommend this option, but if you want to customize or enhance the functionality, it's best to avoid it.

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