Facebook Stories allows you to choose who you want to show your stories to, such as friends and followers, and publish them for 24 hours. This feature has been available on Instagram for some time, but it has recently become more popular on Facebook as well, and is now displayed at the top of the news feed.
This is a plugin that can also introduce this functionality to BuddyPress, PeepSo, and BuddyBoss.
The reference site sets the stories so that they do not disappear after a certain amount of time, but the time settings are flexible.
You can also choose from three designs.
It is also possible to make it viewable only by logged-in users.
Facebook Stories not only lets you share photos and videos, but also lets you add text and music. You can also add stamps to hide passersby who are caught in the photo, or edit them stylishly, but WP Stories can only share photos and videos for now.
It can make community sites such as BuddyPress, PeepSo, and BuddyBoss even more convenient and attractive.
If you ask me to create a community site such as BuddyPress, PeepSo, or BuddyBoss, I can add features like this.