I found ProfileGrid

I wrote about ProfileGrid here.

It seems interesting, but there are no demo sites or sample sites, and I have never seen an example of it being used effectively.

Then, I finally found it.


It's in the Community menu on this site.

Welcome Group
All Groups

This part is "ProfileGrid".

By the way

Also so.

I think it would be a good idea to incorporate this as a membership feature as part of the site.
What members can do

Group chat


The blogs here are custom posts, so they are different from standard blogs.
It is for members only. You can control who can see it (all members, only group members, etc.).

I was experimenting with using BuddyBoss outside of its dedicated theme.


I found a theme that


It said it was a child theme of the above theme, so when I looked into it, I saw a familiar page on the demo site and realized it was "ProfileGrid."


This is just a normal use, but I thought this was the coolest use of "ProfileGrid" among the sites I found. It's a pity that it's not a real working site, but a demo site for the theme...

The "ProfileGrid" will be displayed the same way in all themes, not just this one, so if you're interested, try incorporating it as a community feature on some of your site's pages.

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