Digital Social Marketplace

I wrote an article about how amazing SNS social marketplaces are.

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It is a combination of PeepSo and Easy Digital Downloads. Easy Digital Downloads uses the pro version and adds the marketplace function. The free version does not have this function.

Easy Digital Downloads is a plugin that is as well-known as WooCommerce, but it is not yet available in Japanese and was not designed with Japan in mind, so some customization is required. It allows you to create an online shop that specializes in data downloads.

WooCommerce also has a "download sales" function, but it cannot specialize in that. Easy Digital Downloads, on the other hand, is "dedicated to download sales" and is therefore easy to use. This is true for both operators and users.

Easy Digital Downloads is easy to use once you have localized it into Japanese, but there are few themes that match it, and the appearance is not so good. In that respect, WooCommerce fits in with various themes, and there are many dedicated themes, elements, and blocks.

PeepSo has an optional integration with Easy Digital Downloads. You can manage your downloads in My Profile. So I thought PeepSo would be a good match for Easy Digital Downloads.

in this way

BuddyBoss and PeepSo have different integration functions, so you can choose which one to use depending on what you want to integrate. My impression is that BuddyBoss has more features, but PeepSo is lighter and runs more smoothly.

However, it depends on the server that runs the site. My impression from experimenting with various sites on cheap shared servers is that they are not reliable. If you build it on a dedicated server or a shared server with ample space, it should run smoothly.

It is ideal for marketplaces selling illustrations, photographs, and other data.
How it is used is ultimately up to the operator.

About one-third of Easy Digital Downloads is translated into Japanese, but the latest version is far from complete, and only remnants of the old translation remain. Retranslation is required to use it in a Japanese environment.

Japanese support for overseas plugins is usually like this.

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