If you want to run a membership site, installing BuddyPress, BuddyBoss, or PeepSo will give you login, registration, profile, and other functions, so it's the quickest and most powerful solution. However, being powerful also means that it's complex and difficult to understand.
The above is rarely used in Japan, but this seems to be used quite a bit. This is probably because it has been adapted to Japanese a little.
I think it's common to use this for login and registration screens, but in fact this plugin can do the same things as BuddyPress, BuddyBoss, and PeepSo.
Demo Username
There's no point in doing the same thing over and over, so I put in a lot of fun.
We limited what it could do and decided to create something simple like Line.
What you can do with the free version
Login Form
Registration Form
Personal Profile Page
However, if you install free and paid add-ons,
Friend feature
Group Function
Chat feature
Activity Features
Bulletin board function
You can now use things like this, which is the same as BuddyPress, BuddyBoss, and PeepSo.
However, since all the designs are simple, the appearance changes depending on the theme and how it is implemented, and no two designs will look the same.
If you find BuddyPress, BuddyBoss, or PeepSo too large to handle, it may be easier to use the free "Ultimate Member" by adding only the add-ons you need.