Membership site for specialized sites and portal sites built using WordPress

We have created the following membership site:
To be precise, it was renewed.

By becoming a member (logging in), you can not only download an unlimited number of translation files, but also have the opportunity to have one-on-one Q&A sessions with an administrator (buddy) on the consulting page or chat page.

Since I call myself an expert on BuddyBoss and PeepSo, it would make sense to create a membership site based on those, but rather than a member-interaction type site that encourages connections between members, I made it more like a one-on-one consulting site between each member and me (the buddy).

The member site is

Community type (matching) between members
Interactive between members and operators

The purpose and intent are different.

The plugins you use will also be different.

Eventually we may change to a community-based model using BuddyBoss or PeepSo, but for now we have made it a one-on-one membership site.

  • We will respond to various questions and inquiries, provided that you are a member.
  • Members can download unlimited Japanese translation files for paid, free and advanced plugins.
  • This serviceYou can purchase it at a 20% discount.
  • I will generously share my maniacal and cult know-how.
  • Consulting PageorChat PageWe provide one-on-one consultations to individual members.
  • We also provide various other technical support for WordPress.
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