What is ProfileGrid? And the disappearance of Ultra Community

Similar to BuddyBoss and PeepSo is something called "ProfileGrid."

ProfileGrid – User Profiles, Memberships, Groups and Communities

I think I was the first person in Japan to try out this.

Demo site

Introduction, impressions and translation

So, I ignored it for a while, but the translation strings had increased, so I updated them.

I think it can be a very interesting plugin depending on how you use it and how you display it, but from my experience using it in the past it seemed difficult to understand.

And the thing that worries me the most is that there is no demo site.
Even though the images and text make it look interesting, there is no actual demo of it in operation.


I don't know what the situation is now.
I'll try and find some time.

Log in
User Blog

We have confirmed that this is possible.

You can add the above functions by simply introducing this as a membership function to a regular website.

However, it is not available in Japanese at all, and all additional features are broken down into paid features. It is unlikely to be translated into Japanese either.

No cases
I can't imagine how to use this feature

In that regard, I have created a demo site and have updated the translations, but I don't know the latest features, paid add-ons, or what the current situation is.

I have the impression that it is unique and very interesting.

Anyway, you can make something like this

I'd love to see some great examples like this.

Group members can chat and write blogs.
That's all I know.


There once was something like this.

About four years ago
In fact, this is the best one, and it is easy to set up, so I even signed up for a year's subscription to the paid plugin.
I thought he was a clever developer, but suddenly the updates stopped, I couldn't get in touch with him, and he just vanished into the mist.

I can't cancel the annual plugin contract, so I just keep paying.
I can't get in touch with the developer and there is no cancellation form.
It was a dire situation and after some back and forth with my bank and credit card company I managed to cancel it.
The lady at the bank probably thought I was a sleazy guy who'd gotten caught up in an overseas adult site.

It was right when the coronavirus pandemic was happening.

Did he die from coronavirus or was it a scam?

Because things like this happen, it's best to rely on places you can trust, that are active and seem cool.


There was also this.
I translated it into Japanese and tested it.
It was pretty amazing.
But the development is over.
Probably because it wasn't popular.


Other than that it might be tough.

After that, I found a database of something like "Sites around the world using this plugin" and looked at several sites that used "ProfileGrid", but they were either closed, had been renovated and were no longer in use, or were members-only so I couldn't see the contents, and so I didn't find any sites that I thought were using the plugin well or cool.

The features are interesting.
The display needs some ingenuity.

How to use and express this function


I asked the developer to show me a demo site.

"I'm just getting ready now."

I got this answer, but I can't believe it because I got the same answer a few years ago. They make you feel like it's amazing and get you to buy a paid add-on. I doubt it's marketing because they don't provide demo sites or examples. Normally, this is something you should tackle first.

Therefore, I do not provide services or support using "ProfileGrid".

Demo site

This is something you can do, so try it out for yourself.
Or maybe there is just a Japanese translation file.

I'll leave it as it is.

I get this question a lot, but I'm not an expert on ProfileGrid, nor am I a customer.
That's why I can't answer.

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