Installments and subscriptions

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I think this is quite amazing.

online shop
market place

You can create a marketplace for subscription services.
If done well, it can lead to a sustainable income.

While receiving this inquiry, I realized something, which I would like to write down.

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I want to be able to choose between subscription and lump-sum payment. If I change from subscription to lump-sum payment, I want to be able to pay only the remaining balance minus the amount I've already paid.

This is the kind of question I have.

This is the response to that.

Generally speaking, a subscription does not mean paying in installments.

Every year
Every week

It is used for services that continue forever unless you cancel, such as monthly lesson fees, groceries that are delivered periodically, or leases of office furniture or paintings. Of course, you can stop after three bills, such as three installments of 10,000 yen per month.

What you are looking for is

Installment payment?
One-time payment?

I guess it's a system where you choose, but that kind of system is not a subscription but an installment payment system.

So we created an installment payment service.

There is a difference between subscriptions and installment payments.

Subscriptions have terms such as a monthly fee, but there is no total fee.
If you quit after one session, you will only pay the fee for one session, but if you continue, you will continue to pay.

How many months, years, or days is the total amount divided into instalments?

It's like a home or car loan.

The word "subscription" has taken on a life of its own, and some people think that "subscription" just means paying in installments, but that's not the case.

If the product or service you want to sell is expensive, consider subscriptions or installment payments.
If you continue the subscription for a year, we'll give you a depreciation refund...

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